Final Contemporary Thought is the main engine of postwarwickshire theory and practice.
The A46 has melted away, and as such, the mechanisms of past and future might whither away also. Final Contemporary Thought is the framework by which this melt is studied, we use FCT to measure liquid, watch it pour.
The A46 has melted away, and as such, the mechanisms of past and future might whither away also. Final Contemporary Thought is the framework by which this melt is studied, we use FCT to measure liquid, watch it pour.
Is More Than This More Than This?
In Advance of the Institution
Meat (about my new job)
Stage II: Antiwarwickshire (Harsh Noise Wall/ Platformed Curse)
On Witnessing Rotation/ The Ham Slicing Machine/
Stage II: Final Contemporary Tho ught for Moulting Space/ Hunk of Meat
Curse x3 Grid in Gaping Hole
Jean Guichard
Remember (re mem barr)
Supplement: The postwarwickshire Institute
Iannis Xenakis’ GENDYN: Cognitive Assemblages in Dynamic Stochastic
Everything up the Creek in G.1.2.
Ladywell, Imagined
Now, Everything Makes Sense
Berlinde, Hermann, Viscera, and I
Stage III: Newbound Everpresent Warwickshire (Subordinated Curse)
Salted Wound, Sunken Egg
The postwarwickshire Institute
Central Dogma
Myriad Responses to an Unwanted Obituary
Autopostwarwick contemporarythought
Supplement: Eros
Everything Up the Creek in G12 (publication)
Several Calling Cards to Remind me of John
Replace John with Y/N
Monotheism: in Adoration of the Thong/ Addendum: A Conversation
Cut Up: (final) (contemporary) (thought) (for) (saw) (machinette) ( )
Fotheringay Road/ Used Condom
Basenotes on postwarwickshire
Supplement: Affirmation 77
Order!! Language Bilge slash/, the production of Subjectivity
And/ or &&
In Tentative Intrigue, with John Isaacs
Further Uses of the Dead to the Living
Dot Dot Dot: Hard Up
(my sin, my sex, my inserts)
Affirmation 77
Curse x4 with Indents
I Still Wait for You
Emergent Sculpture on Pellatt Road
Notes from Ladywell Fields
History Unleashed II: An Introduction to postwarwickshire
Liberated Desire without Sexuality