
Recumbent Post guernica above headboard, Michel. slight gormless expression, stroking through bed sheets deep red same as car same as eyes same non committal answer. Michel!


Once again I sit and furiously type. I’ve got a sigil in hand. Autechre is on. He assumes he is the bad one in a horror scenario. I do not care if he lives or dies. Michel, I am coming up blank to be honest.

I may be surprised satisfied or not surprised. I am unconvinced. I don’t think it is possible to become like what I had thought. An extreme sleaze…. The outer limits look kinda lame!!!!!! Michel!!!


He asks if I can stand there naked. I say no.

I ask about the urtrans person or gesamtransiton.


He makes me listen to highly cringe music. Maybe I’ll try to get merzbow on?


Maybe I am thinking of a space more than a person


I’ve got the sigil. It must be binned in here. Actually, I revise, it can’t. I think he’s stupid.

I leave, I can’t stop thinking about where I am, I construct a fear that I was the last person to ever see him.

I want to tear my skin off a little

The morgellons begin again to traverse my surface.


17 Green law. Ground floor green door

I have invented such novel ways to hurt myself

I have invented such novel ways to hurt myself

I have invented such novel ways to hurt myself.

Everyone thinks I am fucked in the head

Everyone wants to fuck me in the head

Fuck me up

Unwanted exposure fucked me up Michel

I knew it was wrong but I painted over it,

Said it’s all just porn and academia in real life

But I’m bristling in the city centre

I think it’s lurking behind every corner

I’m crying in the sushi place

Into my miso.

I’m screaming in my mind Michel

I think I’m fucked in the head, like I am so fucked up

I can’t distinguish real life from fiction

I entered a gap year den of shit

I want to maim the shithead

He tried to wear me down

I didn’t wear down

He tried to worm in, I dry heaved

He didn’t take it as a hint

I hate the smell


I fucking hate all the inferiors like him

Raised in barns, probably

No coasters and no coffee table

I’m wearing the skin of a 22 year old tboy

Fuck knows if he even exists

There is no food.

I am exposed to stupid shit

Fuck, Michel

I am so so so so fucked in the head.