Dot Dot Dot: Hard Up

What it is is Art Writing, what artwriting is is
Dot dot dot

I’m hard up
I’m so far gone
I’m waxing outta gender
Like F in San F
(foucault in sanfransisco)
The guys are all here
(They’ve all come through)
They’re elbows deep in
womens’ writing

(womens’ writing is me, hard up)

What it is to make female sexed writing
Is similar to the writing one does on steam
With the man who’s sat on the wooden shelf
Messaging you about TRT

Hard up!
His imposition is different from mine
Which is (ofc)
Exactly the same
Somehow more darkanddeviant womens writing
As described to me in the other sweat depth

Hardup wom,imposition

What it is to be ‘womidwimpundwoomud’ hard up
Breathing in,
Hardup, over
Imposting somehow
Getting endless texts
Texts in yellow, apparently
Aren’t meant for our eyes

Too hard!
I’m waxing

San F
Chop 1
Chop 2
Just chopping through it
Breathing in that steam and vapour
Dot dot dot.

I offer, instead, an odorant:
Have a look at this one, yeahh
I bet yous have never been this hard!
In your life!!!
In your entire lives,
I bet you’ve never been this hard.

(Hard Up.)