
Someone sprayed orange deodorant or perfume on the 40 to Dulwich library somewhere approximately near walworth whilst I was testing exactly how long i need to look at something before it makes itself a stain on my vision for a little while I think it might be scabbing or counterrevolutionary to pathologise the pattern and its afterimage (pictorial sillage) 24hr sleet like this is . I bought more tealights

My room is like hell

Cardboard everywhere

I am counting the ways in which i am watched

If i move those socks upstairs it surely

Surely will trigger a paradigm shift

A paradigm shift so massive and huge

That it’ll rupture time space,

And I am subsequently proved right

There’s scaffolding on its way to mine

Maybe meant to bestow some artificial circadian rhythm

So i moved the socks and out protruded the hoardings.

It was as if a master nose had mixed it:
Cat food and Orange blossom,
Wafting out a Rotting foot,
Its fluids collected by a sodden wad
hazel green and rust-orange coloured,
A rich, glinting tiger's eye of stinking rot
It smelt exactly like it
Cat food and Orange blossom --
Swollen as a corpse,
The man sat open-mouthed
Motionless &
Vacant, consciously Rotting
Catatonic in agony,
Bound to the seat.
Pus slow dripping.

It smelt exactly like it,
So deliberately
Cat food and Orange blossom:

No longer a diminutive-
No longer strictly living or dead---
The saw
The saw took a bit of us all

The saw.
Took a bit of all of us
Us all:
Small bit of skin
Small dent
Small fingertip

To consume in return
With such visceral abandon:
She wanders around
(Left like that) &
Takes part of us, as
Quivering fat's ground down by hardenamel
She Takes us, as
A tap on the shoulder
Turns swiftly towards a knife,
So close to a slip.
As days're spent teetering before it:
Agony and injury.
And so:
The stench
The beguiling inertia of curing/
An incurable leg at the end of a living being:
The saw.

The saw takes and it gives
It draws
Every bit that it bites

I clean it
I clean it.
I clean it
I clean it
I clean it
I clean down
I clean down
I clean down
I clean it
I clean it
I clean it
I clean it
I clean her
I clean her
I clean
He drips
His companion:
Our analogy in flesh
Cuts clean,
Crystallised and salted:
Cat food and Orange blossom,
Exactly like that.