Berlinde, Hermann, Viscera and I/ Card Number 3


Sat bolt upright in bed, checking my kneejoints-

Berlinde and I are laid out-

Flayed out on the wooden table (inert).

(I am sat on my chair, repeating)

Salt is me,

I am a pillar of salt,

If I could become one,

Siphoning every last drop of blood,

Revealing, in kind, blood's aftermath--

it doesn't seem real-


Separate from the original form, still bent at the knee,

Hanging, hoof semi-intact.

I intervene and toy with the joint,

Then load it up onto the slicer,

Or saw,

Which is slightly nicer than slicer,

My colleagues think saw's more severe....

   "I offer Hermann a go, but he has no use for disembodied bits. It's got to be the full, total body, says he. "

Yet some things are more sacrificial when split into fragments.

I'm still, standing legs shoulder apart,

Cutting piece after piece after peace, inadequate,

Seeing the progression from fatty thigh

To measylebone ankle

Berlinde has a far better sense of it than I do.

She cuts up then glues back,

She lets me see a cutting leg end with a human foot...

And in turn,

Expresses the convergence between flesh and I

Or something else in the necrocratic cabinet...

(necrocratic cabinette)

   "I'd have given Hermann something to use on canvas if it hadn't all just gone and evaporated."


I'm sat, slumped on Dixon Road trying to summon our Derrida,

To get him to write my essay for me,

On who on Earth or Eden has primacy,

Man, beast or beastman-

Many Men may see man as facsimile of beast when beast is inhaled, like it can be-



As Deathcontradiction sustenance...

I gently poke the swinging swineleg, &

Scoff a piece!

Them's the breaks,

Sorry pig

You'll be buried in the sewage system, 

Just exactly where you belong.
